Do Filipino Catholics Wear Blessed Objects?

Do Filipino Catholics Wear Blessed Objects?

Laudate Mariam recently completed a mini-survey regarding wearable items of the Faith. We wanted to understand Filipino whether Filipinos wear blessed objects in their body, what they wear, and why they do so. The results are quite interesting. 

Do You Wear Items of Faith?

Majority of those surveyed wore items of Faith. 72% said they were items of Faith regularly, while 22% said they wore items of Faith but not on a regular basis. 


What Items of Faith Do You Wear?

 The most popular items of Faith are Catholic bracelets (46%) and necklaces (36%). 

Why Do You Wear Items of Faith?

Most people wore items of Faith because it gave them a feeling of being protected. Below are the actual answers of some of our survey respondents:

Do you wear items of Faith? Here is an article that will give you 3 compelling reasons to start doing so now, in case you don't wear items of Faith regularly!