The Cross: The Greatest Gift of God to Humanity

The Cross: The Greatest Gift of God to Humanity

Every September 14, the Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. On this special day, we honour the cross on which Our Lord Jesus Christ died.

The feast celebrates two historical events: the discovery of the True Cross by Saint Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, in 320 under the temple of Venus in Jerusalem, and the dedication in 335 of the basilica and shrine built on Calvary by Constantine, which mark the site of the Crucifixion.

Jesus said that if we are truly to be His disciples, we need to take up our Cross: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his lifewill lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?" (Matthew 16:24-26).

Are you carrying a cross in your life at this very moment? Are you going through a very difficult time now? Let us be consoled with the fact that Jesus carried a much bigger Cross than us!  In fact, He died on the Cross.  Let us reflect on this special Feast of Our Lord by meditating on some beautiful words on the Cross and suffering by various saints:


"When we are overcome by sadness, fear, or suffering; when the pains of loss overwhelm us; when evil seems to have taken power; let us look to the cross and be filled with peace, knowing that Christ has walked this road and walks it now with us and with all our brothers and sisters.” - St Teresa of Avila

"The cross is the greatest gift God could bestow on His Elect on earth. There is nothing so necessary, so beneficial, so sweet, or so glorious as to suffer something for Jesus. If you suffer as you ought, the cross will become a precious yoke that Jesus will carry with you.” – St. Louis de Montfort

"Do everything calmly and peacefully. Do as much as you can as well as you can. Strive to see God in all things without exception, and consent to His will joyously. Do everything for God, uniting yourself to him in word and deed. Walk very simply with the Cross of the Lord and be at peace with yourself. ” -  St. Francis de Sales

"The cross is the school of love.”  - St. Maximilian Kolbe

"Jesus said to me; ‘How many times would you have abandoned Me, my son, if I had not crucified you. Beneath the cross, one learns love, and I do not give this to everyone, but only to those souls who are dearest to Me.” St. Padre Pio

"Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may get to heaven.” - St Rose of Lima

"A cross carried simply, and without those returns of self-love which exaggerate troubles, is no longer a cross. Peaceable suffering is no longer suffering. We complain of suffering! We should have much more reason to complain of not suffering, since nothing makes us more like Our Lord than carrying His Cross.” - St John Vianney