3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Devotion to Our Lady, the Mother of Perpetual Help

3 Reasons Why You Should Have a Devotion to Our Lady, the Mother of Perpetual Help

If you go to a Catholic Church in the Philippines on a Wednesday, you will immediately notice that attendance at Mass is usually much, much higher than other regular days. The reason for this is because of the devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help.  This devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help traces its roots in the Philippines to the Redemptorists in Baclaran, Paranaque who brought the devotion to the country.  The beloved icon of Perpetual Help shows Our Lady carrying the Child Jesus, surrounded by two angels. Numerous prayer requests, miracles and graces have been attributed to Our Lady through this devotion. 

Here are 3 reasons why you should have a devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help:

Jesus Himself Gave us Our Mother

While He was dying on the Cross, Our Lord Jesus Christ told John the Apostle: “Behold your Mother.” He also told His Mother, “Behold your son.” In that moment, Jesus gave the entire world His Mother, to be our own Mother and our Perpetual Help - for all ages. John represented all of us in that moment on the Cross. As such, Jesus told us Himself: “Behold your Mother.” What a precious gift that we have been given - the gift of a Mother who will intercede for us with Our Lord for all matters in our lives, big or small.

Many Miracles of Intercession Have Been Attributed to Our Lady

Many, many miracles, healings and conversion stories have been documented and reported all throughout history through the intercession of Our Lady. The family behind Laudate Mariam is an actual beneficiary of a beautiful miracle healing story, through the intercession of Our Lady. In that beautiful story, the family was granted the miracle of complete healing of their little girl, who was afflicted with an extremely rare skin disease that had no cure. 

St. John Bosco once said: “Trust in Mary and you will know what miracles are!” During our darkest moments, when all seems lost, abandon yourself to Mary, and she will come to your aid!  Yes, miracles are indeed possible with Our Lady's powerful help!

St. Padre Pio once said: “Abandon yourself into the hands of Mary. She will take care of you.”

Let the Queen Mother Bring Your Petition to Her Son

If you have a very special, urgent need in your life, bring it to Our Lady, and she will in turn bring it to Her Son.  How much more effective your prayer will be if it is brought before the King of All Kings by His Beloved Queen!

If our request is good for our soul, the Lord will surely grant it, because He cannot easily refuse a request made by His own Mother!  Isn’t it the same in worldly affairs? If we wish to ask for a request from a powerful man, do we go straight to him ourselves? Isn’t it better to go through a powerful intermediary, who can then help present our petition before him?  In the same way, we increase our “odds” of success with our prayers if they are brought before Our Lord by His own Mother.

Let us close with this beautiful quote about Our Blessed Mother by St. Josemaria Escriva: “So your strength is failing you? Why don’t you tell your Mother about it? Mother! Call her with a loud voice. She is listening to you; she sees you in danger, perhaps, and she - your Holy Mother Mary - offers you, along with the grace of her Son, the refuge of her arms, the tenderness of her embrace…and you will find yourself with added strength for the new battle.”