On September 15, the Catholic Church celebrates the memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows.
On this day, we recall the sorrows that Our Blessed Mother encountered throughout her life. She was truly the sorrowful Mother, the Coredemptrix who, with her free consent, participated in the work of Redemption of Our Lord. As Coredemptrix, we recall Our Lady’s subordinate, yet essential participation in Jesus’ work of redemption. Our Lady shared in Our Lord’s life, suffering and death on the Cross.
Check out the video below on the 7 Sorrows of Our Lady:
She was there at the foot of the Cross when Our Lord Jesus Christ died. Our Lady’s sufferings were truly unimaginable. If you are a mother, put yourself in Our Lady’s place. Your only Son, whom you cared for, caressed as a baby, is now in front of you - brutally scourged, his entire body covered with blood, hanging on a cross. Most mothers would most likely either faint, or cry out hysterically at such an experience.
But Our Lady bore all of this, and stayed with Jesus until the end.
Whenever we are faced with deep sorrow - problems seemingly unsurmountable, relationships seemingly unfixable - let us remember Jesus’ words to us, given through St. John the Apostle: “Behold your mother!”
Yes, let us behold our sorrowful mother! Let us remember that she has been given to us by Jesus. She understands our sorrows, our sufferings, because she herself went through so much sorrow and suffering in her earthly life. She will assist us in all the difficult moments of our lives - if only we call on her!
Our Lady of Sorrows, help us in our own sorrows and trials in life! Pray for us, and intercede for us with your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ!