Why Spiritual Communion Cannot Replace Actual Holy Communion

Why Spiritual Communion Cannot Replace Actual Holy Communion

For many Filipinos who attend Holy Mass online, the practice of Spiritual Communion has replaced the actual reception of Holy Communion during the Holy Mass.  In fact, many Catholics have not received actual Holy Communion since the start of the lockdowns a year ago. 

The Church teaches, however, that the graces we receive from actually receiving the Sacrament of Holy Communion is far greater than participating in the Sacrament only in "desire", ie, through Spiritual Communion. 

In Spiritual Communion, we express our spiritual desire to receive the Lord sacramentally. However, it is only by receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus during actual Communion in a live celebration of the Holy Mass that we reap the full benefits of the Sacrament.  Spiritual Communion is a genuine, though less sacramentally perfect, sharing in the Body and Blood of the Lord.