Laudate Mariam Blog

The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary, celebrated on September 12th, highlights the spiritual significance of Mary's name in Catholic tradition. This feast serves as a reminder of Mary's pivotal role in salvation history and the power her name holds against evil.
Explore the Feast of the Assumption through its rich history, dogmatic declaration, and profound significance. Discover early saints' beliefs, the essence of Catholic dogma, and the fascinating distinction between Mary's assumption and Jesus' ascension in this captivating exploration.
Explore the remarkable journey of St. Padre Pio as he navigated profound sufferings, including the mysterious stigmata, unjust persecution, and relentless demonic attacks. Through his unwavering faith and perspective on suffering as a path to spiritual growth, his life offers timeless lessons on embracing the cross, finding meaning in adversity, and deepening our relationship with God.
Explore the miraculous life of St. Padre Pio, a revered Capuchin Catholic priest, as we delve into three documented and validated stories of divine healing and intervention. From the healing of tuberculosis and infertility to the recovery from a life-threatening coma, these accounts showcase the extraordinary spiritual gifts and unwavering faith that earned Padre Pio a place in the hearts of believers worldwide.